In the latter part of the afternoon we decided to take a walk to a place that serves Soft Serve on 28th street. We took Kent Trails for a large part of it and it was about 5 miles round trip.  I ordered a small flurry and this is apparently what their small is.  I couldn't finish it, it was so large.

Later in the evening I attended Weatherstock in Lord of the Rings Online. Chris had some things he needed to take care of so I took that opportunity to check out this yearly music event.

Since Lord of the Rings Online has an in-game music system which allows different races and classes to play different instruments (lute, harp, flute, etc) there are a lot of people who incorporate this into their role-playing.  Personally I'm not a big RPer, but it was interesting to listen to the different bands play music from the Beetles to Police and beyond. There were just under 300 players who attended, including myself who created a character on the server specifically to check this event out.

If you are a gamer who enjoys online games and have a special place in your heart for Tolkien, I'd encourage you to check out Lord of the Rings Online - which goes free to play in the fall.


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