Before going out to the bar and hanging with an old friend, I took a trip over to Robinettes, which is a local cider mill + winery. It wasn't bad, although this early in the year means they're pretty much dead. I don't think I saw more than one other customer....
Sunday was a pretty cold day. It felt like there was no heat but the thermostat kept reading 70. Obviously it was just me. Then Monday came and it felt even colder. I looked at the thermostat and it read 69. Ok.... Then I looked at another thermometer I had and it read 65. Obviously there was a problem.
I tried to get the heat to turn on - no luck. Then I went out to the maintenance closet to see if there was something weird (not like I would know how to fix anything) and there was. The water heater, which is a few feet from the furnace, was spewing out water and had leaked all over the floor.
Eventually about 50% of the furnace had to be replaced, including the thermostat inside, and the entire water heater had to be replaced. So the only image I thought to take really was the new water heater in the bed of the maintenance guys truck.
Yay for this being an apartment instead of a house!
Thanks to Kati telling me I can backdate stuff, this now has the appropriate date associated with it.
This picture was taken in the butterfly exhibit at Frederick Meijer Gardens. Its larger then the one at the Detroit Zoo, but its seasonal only and has no snazzy hummingbirds.
You can see Amanda's hands in the pic as well. :)