"and I am not amused."
- Leki (or what I imagine he's thinking when I interrupt his plotting, or napping)
Yesterday I didn't do anything. I didn't even put on proper pants. Chris had mentioned something about needing to get out of the apartment. So we went out.
Not a whole lot happened today. We didn't go out shopping, which is fantastic, and we had leftovers from my parents so nothing needed to be cooked... That basically meant I booted up and played a lot of Skyrim.
Chris and I headed over to my parent's for Thanksgiving this year and like last year, it was quite the spread of food for the 5 of us.
It is a short day at work and the day before Thanksgiving, so like a lot of people, I'm baking for tomorrow. I opted not to bake any rolls since my parents already have some so instead it's pumpkin pie (and a few mini-pumkin pies just because) and some tasty graham cracker chewy bars (which we all lovingly call pecan pie bars, because they taste kind of like pecan pie).
There was a lot of random stuff going on today. I had leftover sour cream, so I finished that off by making sour cream coffee cake (which turned out more like a cheesecake, if you ask me).
Jailbreaking the Kindle 4
SSH via USBNetwork Hack on Kindle 4
Kindle Weather Display - with Date & Time
Kindle Weather Display With Days for All Forecasts
Philips Hue
Hacking the Philips Hue
Controlling Philips Hue or GE Link bulb with a push buton
Hue Weather Lamp
EL Wire Lightning McQueen Costume
Gemma Pendant
Kid-sized Iron Man Arc Reactor
Sparkling Bracelet
Other Hacks
Tardis Snow Globe
Adventures in Baking & Cooking
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal
Main Courses
Chicken & Dumpling Soup
Black Bean Burger
Apple Pie in an Apple
Chocolate Mice
Frozen Chocolate-Coated Banana Goodness
Graham Cracker S'mores Cookies
Grilled Banana Boats
Home Made Twinkies
Braided Lemon Bread
Sides & Snacks
Chinese Steamed Buns
Vegetarian Sushi