Today is the little ones absolute favorite day of the year - Halloween! You get to dress up and get candy. What is not to like?!
He had an amazing time and loved running from house to house.
My parents drove out and visited for the day with us. Quinn was excited to show them everything in the house, which he usually does with them. There might be a new toy they haven't seen before!
It's another chilly day but we decided to go out and enjoy some Halloween-themed stuff at John Ball Zoo.
The 3 year old has been loving StoryBots lately, and his favorite is the green character. He asked me over the weekend if we could make one so tonight we did. We even ended up with glow in the dark eyes!
Chris has been under the weather this weekend, so I took the little one out for some fun. We ended up at Dave and Buster's. Since I have leftover funds from a work event, it was a perfect opportunity to play lots of arcade games for next to nothing.
It's a pretty Halloween-centric Saturday. I finally made a Micky Mouse Halloween sheet for the little one's bed.
Jailbreaking the Kindle 4
SSH via USBNetwork Hack on Kindle 4
Kindle Weather Display - with Date & Time
Kindle Weather Display With Days for All Forecasts
Philips Hue
Hacking the Philips Hue
Controlling Philips Hue or GE Link bulb with a push buton
Hue Weather Lamp
EL Wire Lightning McQueen Costume
Gemma Pendant
Kid-sized Iron Man Arc Reactor
Sparkling Bracelet
Other Hacks
Tardis Snow Globe
Adventures in Baking & Cooking
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal
Main Courses
Chicken & Dumpling Soup
Black Bean Burger
Apple Pie in an Apple
Chocolate Mice
Frozen Chocolate-Coated Banana Goodness
Graham Cracker S'mores Cookies
Grilled Banana Boats
Home Made Twinkies
Braided Lemon Bread
Sides & Snacks
Chinese Steamed Buns
Vegetarian Sushi