My dad had quintuple bypass surgery earlier this week, so we drove to the east side of the state to visit with everyone.
Dayzee wasn't feeling the best, so there were lots of cuddles.
We ate lunch out on the patio, enjoying the nice weather.
After lunch Chris and I headed downtown to The Henry Ford Hospital. They had a pretty cool sensor that opens the bathroom door with the wave of your hand.
My dad is still in the cardiac care area and you're not allowed to take photographs. He was doing better, and he has an adorable heart pillow he squeezes if he has to cough or sneeze. He isn't walking yet and coughing is quite painful still. We brought his phone so he could FaceTime with my mother and see Quinn (children under 12 aren't allowed in either).
All in all he was in good spirits, although exhausted. It sounds like today is the most lucid he's been since the surgery on Tuesday.
We spent a little more time back at my parent's house and then we headed home. Quinn refused to let go of his water bottle and every time I tried to take it he woke up. So for part of the ride he slept like this.
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