Yeah, I could talk about the nap I took, the errands we ran, the laundry we did, or the 4th SATA drive I installed in my main desktop. I could have even snapped photos of all of that. But no - I completely forgot. I spent most of the day waiting patiently until other things were finished up (since the weather was so lackluster for the first day of vacation) to play the open beta of Final Fantasy XIV.
It's a beautiful game. I love Lord of the Rings Online. I love it to death and I think it's stellar but this game is newer and at first glance has a bit more detail going on - graphics-wise.
So yeah, it's pretty. And if you're a fan of Final Fantasy XI then you'll probably feel at home and love the feel of this game. As for me - I spent most of the time annoyed at how menu-intense the game is, just like Final Fantasy XI.
Still, there are plenty more days left in the open beta so I'm going to keep trying and get over the annoyance with the controls to try to enjoy the game. And maybe tomorrow I'll figure out how to turn off the UI for better screenshots...
Right now it's a game that both Chris and I are new to which means I don't have an advantage over him like I do in Lord of the Rings in terms of mechanics and quest familiarity. So that's awesome.
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