This morning Chris mentioned he'd like to remove one of the tiles from our end table and install a mail pocket there instead. It would hold the day's mail instead of having it lay out on the table like it usually does.

So with some leftover fabric from the floppy cat bed project, Chris laid out the fabric and got measuring.
Once everything was cut I pinned the pocket together and started sewing. I went a lot slower than I have on my more recent projects since I'm trying not to make mistakes.
Honestly, it's a pretty simple pocket with a wood frame (in this case we're still using test cardboard) that fits perfectly where a tile used to be.
Since it's brown, the mail pocket blends pretty well with the tiles on the table as well.
It's not so shallow that nothing fits in it....
...or so deep the mail gets lost.

The best part is that whole thing came out exactly how Chris wanted it and I didn't have to try to make it three or four times due to mistakes!

Project dimensions:
Fabric measurements used

  • two (2) 16" x 7" strips of fabric
  • I used 1/4" seams

finished pocket measurement

  • 7 1/2" deep
  • 6 1/2" wide


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