Awhile ago I bought a bunch of cheap totes from Woot. I've used them on and off for a bunch of things but there are always at least 2 lying around unused. So since we have these totes collecting dust I took one to my parents with my Breastpump and supplies.

It worked great for pumping in the car. Sure it doesnt have the fancy side flap the Medela brand bags do for easy access to the pump, but I really dont want to spend $70+ for a bag that will have a silly hole in the side once I'm no longer pumping. All I needed were some pockets.
So today I took one of Chris's old khaki pants and cut fabric for two pockets. One along the side of the bag (vertical), and one that goes across the length of the back. That was I have two different size pockets for whatever I might need.
It's not perfect or even beautiful, but the pockets work fine. All that's missing is velcro across the long pocket at the top. Then I can stick my Kindle in it, or maybe extra cloths or wipes.
The best part is that it's a silly taco Tuesday bag. I wanted to use the Settlers of CATan bag (with cats playing the game on it), but I didn't want to risk destroying that bag since I'm not much of a seamstress. So now I just giggle when I look at the silly taco face.


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