Chris's birthday is tomorrow and that means I have a lot of work to do today. I don't have a gift, I don't have cake, I don't have anything!
But first things first. I made breakfast for both of us. I made Chris some cinnamon roll pancakes and I crafted a breakfast pita for myself. I'm really kind of addicted to these things now.
Then it was time to start baking. There's a cake that needs to be made and there's some pumpkin I need to use up. I wanted to make a cake from scratch instead of a box (which is what I always do) so I found a recipe online for a chocolate cake and chocolate frosting from scratch.
As you can see, even at 30 I'm not terribly deft with a knife and frosting. Still, it looks close enough to a cake that someone won't be confused. Fingers crossed that it's tasty tomorrow!
I also had some leftover canned pumpkin from last week's muffins, so I sent to making some delicious pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting for Chris to take to work. A part of me is second guessing that decision. I could eat that whole thing before it goes bad, right?
For some reason after a quick break from washing dishes and waiting for the pumpkin bars to cool, I decided to make some Chinese steamed dumplings. So I started that as well.
After a few hours of chilling things, rolling dough, and then finally steaming, I had some dumplings to try. They're not bad, but they're not like the restaurant down the street. I'll have to continue my search for a tasty replica.
So I'm finally done at 4pm, which is just in time to start making dinner. Chris has assured me that there's no need and I'm certainly not hungry (I had to taste test those dumplings!) so hooray! Now for a nap...
Really though I should go shopping for a gift. But a nap sounds like such a good idea....
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