We headed out early in the morning to Dearborn for the annual Detroit Maker Faire. This is the first year either of us have ever attended a maker faire, and with my recent foray into the world of Arduino, I was really excited to see what there would be.
The event is hosted at the Henry Ford Museum. The event uses both the parking lot and the museum to stage tables with various groups and vendors throughout.
As you can see, they even had a Life Size Moustrap set up. Now THAT is awesome.
We met up with Chris's dad, who regularly goes to the Maker Faire and several different meetups.
There was something for everyone. They had lots of robots set up both indoors and out demonstrating various things (like Robot Fight Club by i3 Detroit pictured above). They even had a whole craft section with tutorials on knitting, crochet, spinning and more. I even did a little weaving!
My favorite by far was the power wheel racing, which Chris has photos of on his blog. He has a lot of good photos so you should check out his blogpost.
Next time I go I wont forget my SLR, that's for sure.
Since we were passing right by it, we decided to swing by Ikea. With the shopping pit stop we ended up back home around 11.
A long day but worth it.
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