September and October are birthday months in my family. Well, I guess my brother Jeff's birthday is in June, but for the purposes of this blogpost that one doesn't count.
Anyway, my mom and have birthdays in September. My dad and Chris are in October. Specifically, today is my dad's birthday.
Since my parents were in the area for a genealogy talk my mom was giving in Niles, they decided to make a weekend of it and spend part of today with us.
Traditionally growing up, my mother made my dad pumpkin pie for for his birthday. So since they were on the road this weekend, I made them one, albeit slightly burned.
We visited for awhile, ate a tasty dinner, and exchanged gifts.
My mom gave us each a cross-stich Christmas stocking. The stocking I have from when I was a child is a needlepoint one done in a very similar style to the above. So to match mine, my mom made one for Chris, complete with Green Lantern symbol and a Christmas hat wearing Telepath from Adam and Comfort's comic The Uniques.
I knew my mom had been working on the stocking for months, but I had no idea she was also making one for Leki! The stocking was a pleasant surprise.
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